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Book a centre tour

We invite you to join us for a centre tour. Please call or email us for tour dates and to make a booking.

Waitlist and vacancies

We are a popular centre but currently have vacancies. To add your child to our waitlist, please fill out this form.


We do our best to publish our daily vacancies on Care for Kids and Starting Blocks, but it's always best to contact us to discuss how we can help you.

Priority of access

We provide priority of access to certain families, including those associated with Monash University or who want to enrol children in our 3 and 4-year-old funded kindergarten program.

Kindergarten priority order

Access to the 3 and 4-year-old kindergarten program is offered as a priority to:

  • Existing families accessing the centre as their funded kindergarten program

  • Staff and students of Monash University wanting to access the centre as their funded kindergarten program

  • Community members accessing the centre as their funded kindergarten program

  • Existing families not accessing the centre as their funded kindergarten program.

Child care priority order

The Australian Government has priority of access guidelines for child care. We follow these guidelines when offering a child care place:

  • Priority 1: A child at risk of serious abuse or neglect

  • Priority 2: A child of a parent (or both parents if you have a partner) who satisfies the government’s work, training or study test

  • Priority 3: Any other child.

Within these main categories, the priority order is for children from:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families

  • Families which include a person with a disability

  • Families which include an individual whose adjusted taxable income does not exceed a certain lower income threshold, or who or whose partner is on income support

  • Families from a non-English speaking background

  • Socially isolated families

  • Families with a single parent.

Please contact us to discuss your circumstances and let us know if these guidelines apply to you.

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